Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pants off and stand up...

Last Wednesday, May 27 was another round of fun for Improvisational Open Mic Night. With the weather getting nicer I thought it would be a good idea to move the show to a weekday night and I was right. We had a packed house with some familiar faces and some new ones too. I opened the show up with a video of me at 20 years old practicing for the first time I ever performed stand-up (11 years ago complete with edits and commentary titles underneath). My goal was to create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable and there is no such thing as embarrassing yourself since it can't be any worse then me telling a barney dick joke dressed all in black and stressing out about not remembering the punchline (I used to be Goth). Yeah, it was that bad. The mood was set and we were warmed up for the night. I chose to try a couple of new games; one failed and one was a huge success. The game song titles didn't last more than 5 seconds. In theory it's funny but it was a little too much thinking involved for that night. Maybe another time...However, Pants On, Pants Off! was a huge success. Thanks to Marty, Clay and Joe for committing and having no fear of dropping their pants when I yelled (PANTS OFF!). The point of the game is to start a scene and when I yell "pants off" everyone drops trough and continues the scene with their pants around their ankles as if nothing is wrong. Well played gentlemen...well played. We mixed up some regular short form games and I had 30 people who signed up to play as individuals plus 5 troupes (Loser Josh, The Four Peeps, The Migraines, Guns & Roses and Gio in his one man improvised story). All in all the night was fun and people definitely got their money's worth of entertainment (it's Free!). I'll be back at some point...I don't know when yet but I'll be back. That's a threat.